The Party Interaction Management component will typically be the first component in a party/individual experience journey, shared by unassisted (self-service, retail kiosk) or assisted (call center, retail store) channels, for which it is also in charge of queue management. Depending on identified/unidentified party, party roles and/or resource roles, this component will react appropriately to propose available actions like Identify yourself, Browse Catalog, Start an Order, Register Trouble Ticket. It will delegate the chosen action execution to the dedicated component (based on configuration). It records the interaction, and iteration items corresponding to the chosen actions, for all the parties from all channels.
ODA Function Block:
Party Management
Component name:
Party Interaction Management
Component ID:
Component version:
Component specification status:
Published date:
TMF683 Party Interaction Management
TMF688 Event Management
TMF701 Process Flow Management